Sunday, March 16, 2008

Mercury Contamination

~~I decided to write my research paper and create a blog on Mercury contamination because it is an issue not well known to people. This is one of the most widespread problems in the world and I feel that it is important for people to become educated on the matter.


Mercury is a toxic element that has been contaminating the environment for years.


1. Sources of Mercury?

  • Coal Powered Factories- Incinerated coal releases great concentrations of mercury into the environment.
Picture of a Coal-fired plant

  • Mining- Esp. gold mines release mercury in the air from coal in the mines.

  • Volcanoes- Naturally release deposits of mercury into the atmosphere.
  • Dental Fillings- Amalgam, present in dental fillings contains a high dosage of mercury which can greatly affect children.
  • Vaccines?- Although no conclusive study proves or disproves this, thimerosal, which is a mercury compound is used in many children's vaccines and has been linked to causing autism.
The picture below shows the increasing trend of autism with thimerosal in vaccines.


2. How does Mercury contaminate humans?

  • Mercury from the atmosphere lands in lakes, rivers, etc which pollutes the fish that humans eat. By consuming these fish, humans are exposed to mercury poisoning.
Health Risks for Humans?
  • affects the immune system
  • damages the nervous system, including coordination and the senses of touch, taste, and sight

  • harmful to the fetus...can cause birth defects

3. Where is mercury a problem?

  • EVERYWHERE...mercury is a world wide problem

The picture belows shows the mercury cycle.

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